Prayer%20Blog > Prayer
August 30, 2016

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  James 5:16

l Salvation:  “See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes.”  Zech. 3:4                   “But others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire” Jude 23  


Leticia, Gabriela’s grandpa, Jayden’s mom, Nicolas, Ashley, Gloria, Ashley, Justin, Alex, Ada, Alexander, Vincent, Jonathan, Josh…8/16


l Family/Health:  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  Matthew 6:33   

Leticia is on life support at Sunrise Hospital; pray for salvation and healing.

Kailey’s grandpa had surgery; pray for healing.

Diana was attacked by a dog and needs multiply surgeries; pray for healing.

LaSandra’s son was murdered; pray for the Lord to comfort her and give her peace.

Nola is in a lot of pain in her leg; pray for healing.

Sonja is still fighting an infection; pray for healing.

Helen is battling cancer and is undergoing chemo and radiation; pray for the Lord to give her strength and peace.

Jill may have an auto-immune disease; pray for the Lord to touch and heal.

Kyle underwent his first chemo and will need a bone marrow transplant; pray for the Lord for a miracle.

Hector has cirrhosis of the liver and his kidneys are starting to shut down; pray for his healing and peace for him and his family.

Michelle’s uncle is in ICU in Kansas with his lungs full of fluid and heart not working properly; pray for healing.

Joe had bladder surgery and a dose of chemo; pray they chemo works and there is no evidence of precancerous polyps at his next doctor’s visit in October.

Rick needs prayer to sell his late parent’s home and return back home; pray for the Lord to provide.

Juana has leukemia and is having stem cell engraftment; pray for complete healing.

Kelsie and her husband have a drug addiction and have lost their jobs and home; pray for the Lord to deliver them and bring restoration.

Elena has guilt and anger from her father’s passing; pray for the Lord to give her grace, comfort, and peace.

David & Carla are both in the hospital and need physical healing; pray for the Lord to heal.

Felicia needs physical healing and direction for her new career; pray for the Lord to heal and direct her steps.

Beth was diagnosed with cancer; pray for healing.

Beatrice is in the midst of divorce and custody battle of her 2 children, and under financial pressure; pray for the Lord to be her shield and provider.

Julie and Ronnie are having legal problems; pray for the Lord’s mercy and grace.

Alfred is a graduate from seminary; pray for the Lord to direct him to the right ministry.

Lyn’s immune system is not doing well; pray for the Lord to miraculously healing.

Lyudmila’s mom recently had surgery on lower spine and now is paralyzed from the waist down; pray for the Lord’s healing.

Ada is having pain throughout her body; pray for salvation and healing.

Alexander has paranoia, HIV, presently on probation for 2 years; pray for salvation and that he will overcome and serve his probation without having to go to the state penitentiary to serve his time.

Vincent is schizophrenic, pray for salvation and for the Lord to deliver him from this sickness and addiction to alcohol and cigarettes.

Marc had surgery last week and is experiencing pain; pray for healing and pain relief.

Nicolas and Ashley are expecting their first child; pray for all to go well and for the health of their unborn baby.

Victoria is having surgery on her left thumb and index finger; pray for joy and peace through the 3 week healing process.

Danny is in prison; pray for favor, and love and patience for his mom.

Jonathan is dying of liver failure and is a father of 2 children; pray for salvation and healing.


Pastors:  Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”    John 10:5

Temptation and opportunity never cross paths.

Pastor John continued growth in knowledge, wisdom, and strength from the Lord.

Pastor John and Amber continued hedge of protection and health for their family.

Pastors in the valley continue to teach the full counsel of God’s Word and for a hedge of protection.

Biblical Pastors in the valley need to come together, as the body of Christ, in unity of purpose; pray for wisdom, divine guidance, and discernment.

Pray for likeminded Pastors in the valley to lead the body of Christ in unity to advance in the kingdom of God.

Pray for Calvary Chapel Boulder City.

Pray for CCGV’s pastoral staff for wisdom, strength, grace, peace, and love.

Pray for a minister is KY who is struggling with cancer; pray for the Lord’s perfect healing.

Pray for the new additions to our pastoral staff, Bret Johnson and Joe Monto, and pray for their families.


l America/World:  “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn  from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

Military in Iraq

Jerusalem’s peace

Pray for the finances of our country.

Pray for Israel.

Pray for the Church; for revival.

Pray for President Obama that God will lead and direct his every decision and action.

Pray for the Christians who are being persecuted in Iraq.

Pray for revival in America.

Pray for Keijoin as he fights the difficult battle against false doctrine in Sweden and those who do not confess Jesus blood in salvation.

Nil has not been able to contact her family in Turkey because of all the political and military turmoil; pray for God’s peace and will.

Pray for the Lord to bring comfort and peace to the people in Orlando.

Pray for the Lord’s comfort and peace for the people in Nice, France.

Pray for the Lord’s comfort and peace for the people in Turkey.

Pray for the Lord’s comfort and peace for the people in Germany.

Pray for the families affected by the flooding in Louisiana.

Pray for the families affected by the fires in California.


l Finances:   “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11            

Barry’s job was eliminated; pray he finds another full time job with benefits.

Christy needs provision to pay rent for her storage unit; pray for the Lord to provide.

Crystal needs employment; pray for the Lord’s provision.

Frank needs more hours at work; pray for joy, strength, and peace.

Stuart opened a new store; pray for the Lord’s blessings and success.


l Marriages:  “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  Genesis 2:24

Marriage Ministry – Pray for all couples to be strengthened in the Lord.

Socorro and her husband, Cinnamon and her husband, Saul and Linnamon…07

Oscar & Miki, Mike & Allison…08/16


l Youth:  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”  Proverbs 3:5

Pray for “YOUTH CALL”.

Elizabeth (2) has been having 2 types of seizures for a while; pray for healing.

Israel is still struggling with pain from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and needs to gain weight; pray for the Lord’s miraculous healing.

Taylor (17) tried to commit suicide and is in ICU; pray for the Lord’s miraculous healing.

Josh (18) is battling anger and pushing away from God; pray for the Lord’s grace, peace, and comfort.


l The Body:  “…Nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing.”  2 Samuel 24:24  


Servants are needed as we continue to grow.

Church staff and ministry leaders

Ushers and greeters

Servants for the Children’s Ministry.


l Worship:  “Give unto to the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”  Psalm 29:2      

Meaningful worship

Faithful servants in all worship ministry areas – Children’s, Youth, Bible Studies, College & Career, and 55+.

Pray for our new worship leader, Pastor Joe Monto, and his family.


l Outreach Ministries:  “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

Firm Foundations Ministry

Divorce Care Recovery & Divorce Care 4 Kids – pray for the leaders and for the kids the Lord will bring.

Grief Share Ministry

Calvary Downtown Outreach

Pray for a hedge of protection around each leader involved in the outreach and recovery ministries.

Pray for the Prison Ministry.

Pray for Shawn and his family serving out in the mission field in Ireland.

Pray for the Women’s Research Medical Centers of S. Nevada, their staff, board of directors, and volunteers.

Calvary Downtown Outreach Ministry will need to find another location for their ministry; pray for a building of their own, volunteers, toiletry items, Christian books, food, and financial support.


l Building Project:  “And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship.”  Exodus 35:31      

Twenty acres of land, financing, building, and servants

CCGV Christian Academy

Teachers at CCGVCA – pray for hedge of protection around them, their homes, marriages, families, and finances.

Continue to pray for land.


l Special Events:  “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”  Colossians 3:23      

CCGV’s Men’s Conference – Sept 9th- 11th, 2016

CCGV’s Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies start – Sept 22nd, 2016


l Praise Reports:  “Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who only does wondrous things!”  Psalm 72:18     

Linda’s son got a job after two years of looking for one.

David’s grandpa was healed of cancer.

CCGVCA had their 1st week of school.


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